čtvrtek 15. května 2014

10th Doctor/Rose Fanfiction - Cuddles in time machine

Tahle fanfikce je věnována Máje, za to, že se nesesypala (teda ne úplně) z té seminárky ;) Doufám, že se ti bude líbit :) (a končí to fakt nemožně, nezabte mě za to. fakt hrůza.)

*In the T.A.R.D.I.S.*

Rose was nearly sleeping, in her bedroom somewhere in the T.A.R.D.I.S. Then her memory of home came back and she woke up. Rose sat up on her bed and looked on the side. The Doctor was nowhere to be found. She took his "University of Gallifrey" hoodie and pressed button to open doors. The light was still coming from the consol room, so she walked there.
"You're still awake?" Rose asked Doctor, who was sitting with his legs on the console, without his jacket or tie. He was reading, listening just to his spaceship's woo woo.
"Yeah. My biological day lasts for 36 hours (I made it up), so I have lots of spare time when I live with... human," he said "human" with some kind of uncertainty, "Why are you still awake?"
"Uhm...," Rose walked towards the Doctor and sit next to him, "Couldn't sleep. I keep thinking about home."
"Me too. And I never stopped, probably never will," Doctor said as he closed the book and carefully threw it on console. Rose carefully took his hand, afraid what will happen. Doctor just glanced at their tangled hands and looked into Rose's eyes.
"How can you even fall asleep?" she asked.
"Well, you can see that I can't," Doctor smiled.

They sit there for quite a while, when they both started to fall asleep. Rose was in the mid-stage, when you sleep, but you are still awakening, Doctor was just feeling sleepy. He couldn't recognize it from being bored, neither Rose could.
"I love you, my Doctor," words escaped from Rose's mouth. Doctor took her head into his hands and looked into her's eyes.
"I love you too," he said and kissed her on lips. Rose kissed back and her energy was at 100% (omg I know you think where is this going but I can't write smut). "Why are you wearing my uni hoodie anyways?" Doctor said between the kisses. Rose just smiled, kissed him and ran her fingers trough his always messy and sexy hair and ruffeled it. Her hand slipped under Doctor's shirt and her fingers dig into his skin. Doctor lifted her on his lap and took her into his arms, walking into their room.

SORRY IT IS SOOO SHORT I can't write porn :D :/ hope you enjoyed it :) leave a comment! :)

1 komentář:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

oh, thank you it's so good;) :) Maja